This workshop package is a unique chance to work closely with a small group of Year 12 & 13 students leaders and support them to recognise their role as gender equality ambassadors in school.

Mentors will develop the knowledge and skills to 'mentor' younger pupils and model the change in culture they want to see in the school, specifically by working alongside Bold Voices facilitators during workshops with younger year groups.

What I Wish I'd Known: Planting the Seeds of ChangE

3hr Training Workshop | Up to 30 Pupils | In Person Delivery

  • AIM:

    • Train Year 12 & 13 students to work alongside younger pupils during Bold Voices facilitated workshops.


    • Provide mentoring opportunities for Year 12 & 13 students.

    • Develop key facilitation and peer leadership skills.

    • Provide younger pupils with the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by older students.

    • Ensure conversations started during Bold Voices workshops can be continued and built on by students.

  • In the first half of the workshop mentors will build a critical understanding of what gender inequality and gender-based violence looks like within the UK.

    They will carry out the activities that the younger year group will take part in during the mentored workshop, pausing at intervals to cover key information, ask questions about the content and share insights with each other.

  • The second part of the workshop will equip the mentors with the necessary facilitation and mentorship skills to work with the younger pupils. This will cover:

    • Active listening and the importance of asking questions over giving opinions.

    • Allyship and how to move beyond focusing on just our own experiences of these issues.

    • Challenge tips and tricks including the Bold Voices 'B.A.N.T.E.R' methods of challenge to model to the younger pupils (Be funnier, Ask questions, Name it, Talk to them, Express yourself, Report it).